Sunday, February 19, 2012


I have another question about my Access/SqL Database. one of my tables is going to have 2 or 3 hyperlinks and I was wondering can that be done through sql or would I be better off doing it through access?? (the database consist of sQL tables but the gui for the users is access)
thank youI have another question about my Access/SqL Database. one of my tables is going to have 2 or 3 hyperlinks and I was wondering can that be done through sql or would I be better off doing it through access?? (the database consist of sQL tables but the gui for the users is access)

thank you

I'd like to help, but I have no idea what you mean?

a tables has hyperlinks? Like a column to hold data?

OK so....what's the question?|||I'm sorry I didnt explain that very well. What I meant was in access one of the datatypes can be a Hyperlink. Is that possible in SQL to make a datatype a hyperlink, would that possibly be the Image (though I doubt it) datatype I'm seeing in sQL?

thank you Brett :)|||Nope, sorry!

The "hyperlink-ness" of a piece of text is determined by an agreement between the web-server/client, not by the SQL Server. You'll have to make that majik appear after the data has left the SQL server.

-PatP|||I had a feeling you were going to say that, Ok well plan be is that I can create a hyperlink in access through a form.

Thanks anyways Guys|||That is purely an interface issue. Since Access combines a database engine with a user interface, it is not surprising that it has this functionality. SQL Server is NOT an interface.

Store your data as a string, because that is essentially what Access is doing. It just also makes a mental note for the interface to treat is like a hyperlink.

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