hello :
On a hypertext link in a report, how to open the link in a new window IE. ?
user the following as your URL
the full syntax and example of window.open can be found here http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/workshop/author/dhtml/reference/methods/open_0.asp
|||Thank's for your answer ; but Where what is that I have to put that ?
I can't use the file .config ?
|||Not too sure what you mean by referring to the .config file.
You would use this as you would with any other HTML hyperlink e.g.
normal link
<a href="test.htm">link text </a>
new window
<a href=window.open('test.htm')">link etxt </a>
When defining hyperlinks in a report you are essentially providing the contents of the href attribute in the above example.
How do you currently define your hyperlink?
|||Thank's: but :
I I use the properties of a zone of text, and I put in anglet Navigation towards another report(relationship). Thus I do not know or I put your code.
|||You'll need to use the "Jump to URL" option instead of the "Jump to report" option and construct the URL using an expression e.g.
="window.open('" & Globals!ReportServerUrl & "target report name" & "')"
|||Thank you very mutch.
|||hi,I am using SQL Reporting 2005 and javascript doesn't work on my report.Can you tell me how you made javascript working on Jump to URL|||
JavaScript work only in browser.It will not work in the report designer.Try to run the report in browser.
Hope this helps
|||Thanks mate, I have deployed the report to the server and view it on the browser, the link disappeared I put ="java script:void(window.open('http://nww.risklog.surreyhis.nhs.uk/aspx/addrisk.aspx?fromSearch=true&riskid=" & Fields!Risk_ID.Value & "','_blank','toolbar=false'))"|||Hi,
Think in the Report Server also you can't get that link.You can do one think in the Web application,Drag ReportViewr control and put the report in the ReportViewr.Run that web application.Then you can get the link.
Hope this helps
|||Im trying this in my report that returns a field in the URL - I keep getting the URI scheme is not valid error. Can anyone help? My report has no globals listed, and this is confusing me since I have tried HTML as well as JAVA to get this report to jump to an open window with no luck (obviously!) - can anyone help a newbie?
Ever Gracious for your help
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