Monday, March 26, 2012

I changed my windows password and now I cannot connect to SQL Server on my development mac

I changed the login password on my computer today, and now I cannot connect to the SQL Server instance I have on that same machine. I am using Windows Authentication.

I would think that, if I can log on to my computer, I would be able to connect to the database, since I have been "authenticated" by windows but, that does not appear to be the case.

Can anyone offer any advice?

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

When i doubt, restartWink


I figured it out.

If anyone is interested...

I had to manually go to Administrative Tools > Services and choose (double-click) SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER). Then go to the Log On tab and change the password there. I did the same for SQL Server Agent (MSSQLSERVER). I haven't done any of the other SQL Server - related services on my machine. I will do those as needed, I guess, cause I am not using them yet.

I hope this helps someone.


Ah, you're using your Windows login to run the SQL Server service. Generally not a good idea on a server, for the reason you found, but it is probably okay on a development machine.

Glad you figured it out!



Ahh...Thats the start up account. So your SQL Server is set up to start as a "Local Account". Generally its a good practice to use a Windows account that is not part of windows admnistrator group. Check out books on line for more info about SQL Server agent and the security model.


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