Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I don't understand why

I have posted this problem for 2 weeks straight and I cannot possibly believe I'm the only one here having this issue. Can someone please help or explain why or how I can resolve this problem?

Try using alias name for the column in the storproc 's slq query like

select sum(tickets) Tic from Table1,

u will be able refer the column by the name - < Tic > - in the SSRS

|||I'm doing this! In my stored proc I return a value at the end just like you said. If you read, the problem is in SSRS when I reference that field in my table, not my stored proc. If you grab that field from your dataset that runs the stoerd proc, for sum reason SSRS puts SUM() around it which I don't want.|||

i got it

u r trying sum a field in a text box

u r using expression for it

use always "="(equals) in front of ur expresssion , like =sum(Fields!xyz.value) , assuming xyz is ur field name.

if u do not use "=" in an expresssion it becomes a string and believes sum is also part of that string

hope it helps

suresh babu

|||I did use an expression, there is an =. Look at my's an expression inside my footer field trying to reference a texboxname from my group. I'm way beyond this. I don't undertand why nobody is getting my problem here. It's simple. I'm not just referencing one or two fields from my dataset in my expression. This report is way complicated. Therfore I'd like to be able to sum a whole column in my footer simply by referencing the texbox name in my group and do a SUM on that name....get it? Look at all the *** I posted..look closely at what I'm trying to do...reference a named textbox that's in my group, and do an =SUM(group texboxt name ) whcih you can't, because a group textbox is out of can't reference a group texbox name from a footer expression....which is totally nonsense

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