I don't believe ...that not exists a resource for put optional parameters for filter in Reports else WorkArounds !!!
Specify a default parameter value. You can then use expressions which allow a row to pass through the filter if this default value is selected.|||No,
I can't default values
If user not select anything on the combo Box in the parameter filter my reports have to show all rows
I would like to do this whitout use WorkArounds !
|||This works if you are using Procedure for data retrival and Query parameters to fill the combo box.
If you are using Query Parameters to fill the combobox, then add 'All' as a parameter using UNION function to let user know that you are selecting everything. In the stored procedure ignore the parameter if the user is passing 'All' as a parameter and select everything.
Hope this helps.
|||Thanks Veepak
This Really work but I think yet this is a workaround !!
I don't have the same performance when I put UNION function in my Query.
But, thanks very much !
|||Please can you mark it as an answer , it helps if anybody has similar question.
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