Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I don't see my databases. How to recover from this

I have a lot of databases in my server, but the point
here is that I cannot see none. When Enterprise Manager
starts there's an error appearing:
snap-in failed to initialize
Name: Microsoft SQL Enterprise Manager
CLSID: 00100100-1816-11D0-8EF5-00AA0062C58F
After this error, in the Enterprise Manager my databases
have disappeared.
Is there a way to recover from this? I really need
somebody's help, please.
Thanks in advance.
Renato VizuetTry to re-register the server.
>--Original Message--
>I have a lot of databases in my server, but the point
>here is that I cannot see none. When Enterprise Manager
>starts there's an error appearing:
> snap-in failed to initialize
> Name: Microsoft SQL Enterprise Manager
> CLSID: 00100100-1816-11D0-8EF5-00AA0062C58F
>After this error, in the Enterprise Manager my databases
>have disappeared.
>Is there a way to recover from this? I really need
>somebody's help, please.
>Thanks in advance.
>Renato Vizuet

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