I saw a post of this, but i still can't solve it.
This is what i got:
SET @.sql = 'CREATE TABLE #SIAG_MatrizTemporal ...'
this seems to work fine, but if i try to make a query on #SIAG_MatrizTemporal, the table doesn't exists, the error says: "Invalid object name '#SIAG_MatrizTemporal'."
If I add to @.sql a select statement the values are in there, but if i do it outside the same string, it just doesn't work.
Joseph Weinstein says that i should add "selectMode=cursor" where should i add it ?? I'm just working with the stored procedure, i'm not using VS, Java or any other programming language. Later i have to use it from SQL Reporting Services, but first i have to make it work from the Query Analyzer...
I think i have to activate or desactivate some property on the Server or the query, but i was looking in Internet and nothing... I really need to solve this, and i cant find anything that works.
If anyone can help me, i really appreciate it.
Thanks in advance :)
JoanSET @.sql = 'CREATE TABLE ##SIAG_MatrizTemporal ...'
You can use ##SIAG_MatrizTemporal to Dispose.
follow is my code. ex:
(SELECT * FROM tempdb..sysobjects WHERE name LIKE '##fabtemp%')
DROP TABLE ##fabtemp
SELECT GUID=NEWID(),MstGUID = ''' + @.MstGUID + ''',
iNumber = IDENTITY(int, 1,1),
fAccountQty = fOnHandQty + fOnHoldQty,
fRealQty = fOnHandQty + fOnHoldQty,fProfitOrLossQty = 0,
sCtUid = ''' + @.sUserID + ''',
dCtDate = GETDATE() INTO ##fabtemp
FROM IMFabricRollStock
WHERE sStorageCD = ''' + @.sStorageCD + '''' + @.sCondition +
'ORDER BY sStoragePlaceCD ')
INSERT INTO imFabricCheckingDtl
SELECT * FROM ##fabtemp
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